The Picnic Tap (Nashville, TN)

The folks at The Picnic Tap in Nashville, TN reached out to me to expand upon an existing design I had for a Tennessee-shaped tasting paddle. They liked the design, but wanted to “dress it up” a bit with some added touches and frills to make it unique.

I’m game for that. Below are a few pics from the design process.

The picnic tap 0

Taking basic design, I fitted their glasses (pseudo-jelly jar shaped) to the current design. Based upon the different size for the holes, I needed aspect-ratio up the design to allow for some “frills”.

TN paddles

I wanted to work in Oak, to give some depth to the design, and also highlight some of the grain on the reverse side. The above pic are some of the “basic” TN flight decks that show off the oak grain nicely.


The picnic tap 3

Next came “the frills”, which included a routed inner edge to divide up the blackboard-painted inner area from the stained outer and reverse sides.

Picnic tap flight deck

A good poly seal on the exposed wood and blackboard painted inner allows for labeling of the flight deck for use in circulation.

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