Battleaxe tasting paddle

One of the annual beer festivals I’ve been lucky enough to regularly attend (tickets are needed, sell out within 10 minutes of initiation of sale, etc.) is Dark Lord Day by the 3 Floyds Brewery in Munster, Indiana.

I won’t go into what Dark Lord Day is, suffice it to say that there are a lot of people and it rained last year. :)

That being said, via a social media connection I discussed the creation of a specialized paddle that would fit the motif Dark Lord Day.

A battleaxe.  :)

Here’s a few pictures of its creation and the final product.

Figure 1: Sketch side by side with the rough cut mahogany paddle. Needed a size that would allow the glasses to be balanced without having too much dead space.

Battle axe 000+

Figure 2: Stained with a provincial stain, edges routed and rounded.

Battle axe 0

Figure 3: Wrapped the hilt with some jute twine to give it an added dimension. Final shot.



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